Clothed in Strength Podcast

The Strength of Rhythms: Lent and the Christian Calendar (Ft. Pam Buck)

Hannah Garnett Season 2 Episode 3

Season TWO! Join Hannah and friends as we dive into the beauty of rhythms! As we start a new year, it is always a challenge to start something new and feel like we have to get everything right. The invitation from Jesus is a life of simple, abiding rhythms that point us to the cross and I am excited to talk about those this New Years! 

Pam graciously shared her wisdom as an Anglican Priest to how the Lord has met her in the spiritual rhythm and practice of Lent. She invites us into a new way of understanding this yearly rhythm and how we can meet Jesus in new ways this year! This is an episode you do NOT want to miss and I am excited to share it! 

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